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Discover Weight of Broiler Chickens Per Week – Get 4 KG Fast

weight of broiler chickens

I have just spoken with another client of mine today who was reporting the weight of his broiler chickens to me on a weekly basis. So, he was trying to know how to make broilers grow fast and then he saw my post on guidefreak.com.

This time when he called, he was trying to know if he was on track, and I am glad that he was doing excellently well. He already had birds that weigh 1.5 KG in 26 days. Of course, I was not expecting any less because he was using the broiler feed formula he purchased from me. Using recommended growth chart, I will be showing you the expected weight of broiler chickens per week and how to make broilers grow fast. This will help you meet your target market weight without using harmful feed materials.

The first thing that comes to mind when you hear broiler is something big. So, if your broilers are not big, I mean very big, then they have defied their purpose. Everybody knows that broiler chickens consume a relatively larger quantity of feed compared to layers and cockerels. And if you are not able to meet the target weight in the shortest time possible, you are losing already.

What Should A Broiler Chicken Weigh?

Now let’s get super serious. “If you don’t know where you are going, everywhere would look like it” You are probably familiar with that saying. The same is applicable to weight of broiler chickens per week. If you don’t know what you should expect, then you might just think you are getting good result. When, in fact, you are so behind.

And to talk about what to expect the weight of your chicken to be in a certain time, we need to consider the breed potential. Let me inform you that the figures you are about to see is not something that I just came up with. It is based on experiments and experience over time.

One more thing before the figures. Any experienced farmer will know that male and female broilers don’t have same growth potential. For this reason, we will prepare two different charts for them.

Growth Chart for Expected Weight of Broiler Chicken Per Week (MALE)

Age (Weeks)Body Weight (KG)Average Daily Weight Gain (KG)Average Daily Feed Intake (KG)Cumulative Feed Intake (KG)
Week 10.1750.0190.0360.152
Week 20.4430.0380.0650.503
Week 30.8660.0600.1051.115
Week 41.4210.0800.1472.018
Week 52.0620.0920.1823.193
Week 62.7350.0960.2104.587
Week 73.3940.0940.2276.128
Week 84.0080.0880.2347.741
Week 94.5570.0790.2359.397

The table above indicates the following:

  • According to the broiler growth chart, at the end of the first week, your male broilers should be around 170-175 grams
  • At 4 weeks, each male broiler must have consumed a little over 2 KG of feed and converted it to at least 1.4 KG
  • You can attain a weight of 4 KG in 8 weeks and 4.5 KG in 9 weeks
  • A chicken will consume about twice the weight of meet it produces.
  • Feed consumption reduces after 6 weeks

Growth Chart for Expected Weight of Broiler Chickens Per Week (FEMALE)

Age (Weeks)Body Weight (KG)Average Daily Weight Gain (KG)Average Daily Feed Intake (KG)Cumulative Feed Intake (KG)
Week 10.1710.0190.0340.149
Week 20.4140.0350.0580.467
Week 30.7790.0520.0941.015
Week 41.2460.0670.1311.824
Week 51.7750.0760.1662.884
Week 62.3250.0780.1924.152
Week 72.8640.0770.2115.574
Week 83.3660.0720.2227.094
Week 93.8190.0650.2268.664

The same explanation applies to the expected weight chart for female broiler chickens. The only difference in this growth chart is that females consume less feed than male. As a result, their body weight within the same time interval does not match up with the male. For example, At four weeks, females are expected to weigh around 1.25 KG, and less than 2.4 KG at six weeks.

Have Layer? See: Layer Feed Consumption Chart

How Much Feed Will My Broiler Chicken Eat To Maturity?

This is one of the reasons for the two charts above. Interestingly, you can just look into the chart for weight of broiler chickens per week to answer. For example, a male broiler will eat 9.397 grams of feed for 9 weeks to give 4.557 live weight. The same calculation can be done to know how many bags of feed for 100 broilers.

How Much Feed Do I need for Four Weeks?

According to the chart, a Male broiler should consume about 2.018 KG of feed in 4 weeks. This means that if you have hundred day old chicks, they will consume a little over 200 KG (8 bags) of feed in four weeks. By this calculation, they will also consume less than 950 KG over a 9-weeks rearing period.

ALSO READ: Coconut Water, #1 Best Homemade Chicken Electrolyte

How Many Bags of Feed For 100 Broilers?

Yes! One could also ask to know how many bags of feed for 100 broilers or more. This can be determined from the broiler weight/growth chart with just a simple calculation. First, specify the number of weeks you want to use to raise the broilers. Then look at the chart and check the cumulative feed consumption for that week. Because each value is for one broiler, you will have to multiply the value of cumulative consumption for that week by the number of birds. In this case, 100 broilers. If you are looking at 8 weeks for example, it will be 7.741 X 100 = 774.1 KG of feed.

This is how to know how many bags of feeds for 100 broilers or any number of broiler chickens at all.

Feed Conversion Ratio VS Rearing Period

If you take a critical look at the two charts, you will notice a drop in weight gain after the sixth week. This is not to say that broiler chickens don’t grow after six weeks. Rather, we are saying that their growth rate is reduced after six weeks. Another thing is that their feed consumption also reduces after six weeks. And the growth rate continues to decrease as they grow older. This is why it is more profitable to sell your broilers between 6-9 weeks. People who raise their broiler chickens beyond 10 weeks hardly make profit.

ALSO READ: How To Make Broiler Chickens Grow Faster and Fatter

How To Make Broilers Grow Fast

If you want to know how to make broilers grow fast, you might want to consider reading the post above. However, you need to do the following to achieve fast growth as a broiler farmer:

  • Feed adlib
  • Prevent diseases
  • Avoid heat stress
  • Use Natural growth promoters
  • Supply cool water at all times
  • Provide adequate ventilation
  • Treat diseases as soon as spotted
  • Go organic if you can

Maximizing broiler growth is the heart of broiler farming, and you must get it right to stay in the business. I hope this helps you to get it right. By now, you should know how many bags of feed for 100 broilers and more.



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